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Ethos: Clubs can use this platform to create and reaffirm their on and off field ethos, standards and criteria that can established into the online platform

Education: Every one within the club can be taught through the elearning areas to players, coaches and parents for aspects such as safeguarding, child protection, laws of the games, acts and responsibilities

Coaching delivery: coaches could create ways of playing, tactics and awareness roles and responsibilities.  Training and games can be shared via the portal to other teams 

A whole club approach: enables the platform also to allow playing styles, traits and abilities of players in the youth teams, reserves, first team or opponents for player recruitment to be tracked and viewed

Scouting, player comparison or player recruitment can enable: comparisons against what ever standard and criteria can be placed so the perfect model can be created for player recruitment per position 

Training and games: Clubs can use the programme to record the training and games to compare what has been done on the training paddock compared to matches

Statistics: Place statistics, education, and development across the whole process then you will have a very powerful tool TO RAISE STANDARDS throughout your club




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