Error: Your upload path is not valid or does not exist: /home/domains/vol2/858/2394858/user/htdocs/wp-content/uploads Safeguarding Courses | Keys to Football - Developing the future

Safeguarding is a fundamental part of football and protecting our young people and vulnerable adults are absolutely key.

Our online distance learning course is invaluable for everyone involved in any football club no matter what your position.

Keys to football will be launching a number of courses for individuals, teams and clubs.

Register for the newsletter for up to date information when the courses are live.

We will be offering extensive safeguarding training for you or your organisation. Safeguarding is key in sport and this includes football. We believe we need to go further and over the above current courses giving clubs and individuals quality training to be more aware. Know how to write a report and who to report everything to.

We can also offer club audits and reviews of safeguarding practice to protect you and your organisation.

Our safeguarding courses we will be offering shortly:

  • Safeguarding in Football
  • Introduction to Safeguarding Children
  • Advanced Safeguarding Training
  • Designated Safeguarding lead
  • Safer Recruiting/Safer Organisation
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Staying safe online and social media
  • Vulnerable Adults (84 men a week commit suicide) we need to do more
  • Radicalisation/PREVENT (adult and children)
  • British Values

Get in touch whatever your needs regard safeguarding