Error: Your upload path is not valid or does not exist: /home/domains/vol2/858/2394858/user/htdocs/wp-content/uploads referees | Keys to Football - Developing the future

Referee Mentoring and Coaching

Keys to Referee is the ultimate platform for all referees of all games, bring coaching and mentors together like never before. 
In this time limited world and less volunteers now, we have a platform allowing referee coaching Newcastle to coach someone in Plymouth with trackable progress. 

The advantages for this platform leads to the best development programmes for new referees, up and coming referees and referees at the top. Giving access to be able to discuss games no matter where you are, training material and action plans all delivered through the platform. 

The bespoke aspects of the site gives any association, federation, group of officials licence to train and take its members into the best direction, accessing the best referee coaches and mentors no matter where they are. The content builds up extraordinary training material for more of your members learning from everyone. 

Keys to Referee

Assist Referees
Give Referees access to coaches or mentors
Referees to have access to online training like never before
Give Referees access to help and advice from anywhere in the world 


Laws of the Game
Just Starting Out
First Promotion
Careless, Reckless or Excessive
Upper Body Fouls
Lower Body Fouls
+ Lots more
Develop with 

Safeguarding Courses
Mental health Courses
Coming soon Mental Health Support 1-1
(Keys to Mental Health)



PE Office


Keys to Safeguarding




Our Sister Companies



PE Office
