The end is nearly here for this as the front page of Keys To Football, we have been so busy behind the scenes, talking with leading sports physiologists, FA’s, football managers, players, Referees, and so many more people. We’ve altered a few areas thanks to everyone’s thoughts and contributions.
The platform will deliver cognitive thinking for all involved in the game, it is the closing of the analysis triangle.
You can produce analysis on distance, sprints, heart rate and heat maps, you can watch and discuss things on video, but testing your players/coaches/referees/umpires thinking, directing them to change their thought process is priceless.
To be able to standardise your coaching ability across the whole club or organisation, watch and track improvements, highlighting weaknesses and putting together action plans.
The new site will be going live shortly, highlighting all this and more.
The bolt on to all this will be the mental health area, to help reach so many people and to help them. Help more sporting people, or other people throughout the platform.
More updates to follow.